Week 10

Had my last project meetings with my teammates. We also had a goodbye brunch for us interns and we spent hours hanging out on zoom, having brunch, chatting, and playing games. I wrapped up my project, did a presentation at my mentor’s lab’s general meeting. I also attended my last course development meeting and we discussed what the next steps were going to be. I also spent a lot of time going through my DREU requirements for my last milestone and had discussions with my mentor on whether I could still be on the team. I officially ended my internship on Wednesday, the 5th of August, although I still went to meetings and worked on stuff for the next two days.

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Week 9

I had our scrum and project meetings and continued work on simulating an Infrared distance sensor and on added blogs to my DREU website in fulfillment of the fourth and last milestone. I started getting ready to finish my internship and set up my deliverables for the summer. For the IR sensor simulator at the backend, I have to use the bressemham’s line algorithm to determine the path from a start node to a finish node or obstacle and calculate the distance.

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Week 8

I attended the meetings for the project and our fourth course development meeting. We had discussions about the hardware focused course we are developing. I finished LCM-websocket connection for the backend codes and tested it on an html file - worked but still didn’t in the main front end html file. I also started work on simulating an IR distance sensor for a probable ROB 102 class project: read and watched videos on Bressenham’s Line algorithm.

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Week 7

I worked on collecting all robot messages (map and velocity commands) together as one message through LCM and sent them over a single websocket but run into issues with combining the two in one file. I attended our usual Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday daily scrums which is at 9:30 am CT and our weekly project meeting which is scheduled for 8:00 am CT on Wednesdays.

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Week 6

Talked with another team member and the project manager to get the front-end to convert the backend coordinate system (right-hand rule) to front-end coordinate system (pixels) to visualize robot and map. Finished robot angular movements and sending it and map over to front-end on two websockets. We had our every week meetings and held our third course development meeting and continued talks on how to structure the courses after which I helped a teammate draft a syllabus for one of the courses.

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Week 5

Applied trigonometry to get robot to move relative to the direction it was facing with each keystroke (w,s,a,d). I then read on right-hand rule and used that coordinate system for the backend. We continued our daily scrum and project meetings and also held our second course development meeting where we had a course development expert talk to us about the structure for the first year robotics courses we are working on.

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Week 4

Talked with Jana(project manager) and started work on getting slam map to front-end through a second websocket. Had to read map information from a file and store the 200 by 200 grid cell map into a 2D array as well as extract the map data and parse them into individual data for the front-end. I attended the scrum and project meetings. Also, we had our first course development meeting on the 18th and we discussed about general set up and content of ROB 102, one of the courses we are developing.

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Week 3

Had daily scrums and project meeting. Started work on the simulator backend code on the 11th of taking input and converting to velocity commands. Installed websocket and read on it on the 14th after I got the velocity commands code working.

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Week 2

Had daily scrums and 2nd project meeting. Worked on A* algorithm implementation and got it working on the 5th.

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Week 1

Had daily scrums and first main project meeting. Implemented HeapSort data structure following a template stencil and got it working on June 3rd.

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Week 1

Got to know the project and the team members through email and had first project meeting on Wednesday 20th May. Got on project slack and discord and learnt more about the robotics lab. Did some reading on algorithms and data structures to prep myself.

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